Rumour! A 3 years old missing child found in Anambra

An article by the topic "A 3 years old missing child found in Anambra" uploaded on operanews hub by "Norrenworld" has been branded a rumour by me the actual writer.
The article was originally uploaded on and was shared to the site which I have no control of for a very long time.

The article which goes like this

On Friday 5th of July, 2020 a family in Ojoto, Idemili South local government area of Anambra adopted a three years old Yoruba boy. 

The boy who said his name is Olamide, is a Lagos indigen. The three years boy in a heart to heart interview with me said he is a pupil of Living Proof Academy Lagos. The little boy who was adopted from Clara's Children Community Ihiala in Anambra State to a family in Ojoto. 
He made mention of his siblings names, two elder sisters (Mafiepe and Maficleso) and an elder brother (Tosin), he mentioned his parents are addressed as mama Tosin and Papa Tosin. 

My mummy sent my sister (Mafiepe) and I to buy pepper, on our way a dark, short man come and catch me and took me into his car and travelled down to this place (Ihiala, Anambra State) and that aunty (the woman that adopted him) then came and took me to her house (Ojoto, Anambra State).

But as I'm writing this now the little boy has been taken back the Children's Community he was adopted from. 

Please if you know about this little boy do him a favor by contacting his family. 

This is a wicked world, where people have the mind to kidnap and sell other people's kids. 

Now my question is

Clara's Children Community is it legitimate?

Please do well by sharing so it can circulate to know whether luck will shine on him to save the little boy. 

Remember the little Olamide still needs his family

Please take a good look at the pictures

The views expressed in this article are all mine and they are totally fake.
I was just listening to the rants of a 3 years old toddler who doesn't know what he's saying.

I wasn't on my right mind to carry on with my reckless action and put a peaceful woman in jeopardy.

I apologize to the woman in talk and to his Children's Community for the troubles caused by me because of ignorance.

Please anywhere you see such news ignore because it's a fake news
