Difference between living and existing

Existing simply means to survive without feeling the actual reality of the feelings and emotions in it. Living is when you do the things intensely in life.

It is said that 'the proper function of a man is to live and not to exist'

Have you ever been through a day when you feel like everything is already decided for you, that you can't change your life, when you wander aimlessly around, you just woke up looked up to the sky and find nothing meaningful in your life?
You are merely existing

And then there is some people who woke up happy because they got what they wanted, they achieved the goal they set the previous day. Those people are not merely living they are full of life.

You  want to know the difference between living and existing to know where you are.

I think the best distinction is how much control you have over, those that are living always feels they have full control over their life, they can decide when to do things, how to do them and take responsibility for all their actions.
But if you see yourself feeling like you have no control over your life, you always feel helpless, aimless and wait for others to make decisions for you and you fail to take responsibility for whatever happens in your life; you are merely existing with no marks put out for your life.

Emotions play a major role in the life of every individual.
People who exist let fear, anger and other emotions dictate what they can and can't do. But people who live take advantage of those emotions to redesign their lives, because they understand the emotions, manage it and they don't let it interfere with the plans they have in life.

Someone who exist in will always Pass Over Opportunities Repeatedly and that is why they will always be poor.
They are always sucked in the same dead zone. They same thing repeatedly hoping for different result. It doesn't work like that. People who live are MAD ie they are  always Motivated Activated and Determined. They know when and how to do things that add value into their lives.

How to Stop Existing and Start Living

So how would you even know if you’re someone who exists or lives? Steve Jobs did something that could provide some guidance. Apparently he used to wake up each morning, look at himself in the mirror and ask himself the same question, “If I was to die today, would I do what I am about to do?” If his answer was no too many days in a row, he would make a change

I think this is a great starting point for you to decide what to do on a particular area of your life and it can also be applied in all the areas of life.

1. Stop living a lie: When people live a lie they are just covering up their flaws. But living a lie that will make a person not to improve the style of life. What we call packaging today will never allow a person to grow both financially and emotionally. People who exist are those living a lie, they see everyday as the same.
Make a plan today, set your goal and work towards it so you can live the type of life you wants.

2. Be in control of your life: Find those things that when you do them you  feel happy. Don't let peer group influence you. Don't do because others do. Walk so that others will follow. Setting a path for yourself away from existing will help you be in control of your life.
People who hope for others to do are merely existing for others to trample on.

3. Stay away from negativity: When you always think you can't do anything without help, that is a true thought of an existing man, a man who lives always thinks with or without help he can wtand on his own.
Stay away from those who have no aim, no goal they are working towards, no hope, and they live by the igbo adage 'ife Chi Fotelu' ie 'whatever tomorrow brings'. Those type of will never add meaning to your life and you will always be existing if you don't break free from them.

Now ask your self, are you living or existing?
